
Department Of Pharmacology

PhotoFULL NAMEQualificationDESIGNATIONUG Registration/PG Registration
Dr. Sureshchandra MistryMBBS, MDProfessor & HeadUG - 12887     
PG - 11209
Dr. Sachendra Kumar SrivastavaMBBS, MDProfessorUG/G - 29042     
PG/G - 29042
Dr. Haiya ShethMBBS, MDAssistant ProfessorUG - 55905     
PG - 28308
Dr.Vipul NavadiyaMBBS, MDAssistant ProfessorUG - 50130     
PG - 27165
Dr. Kandarp PatelMBBS, MDAssistant ProfessorUG - 49625     
PG - 28688
Dr. Keyur VaghasiyaMBBS, MDSenior ResidentUG - 68128
PG - 36908
Dr. Shashin GajiparaMBBSTutorUG - 54314
Dr. Paresh PatelMBBSTutorUG - 52910
Dr. Laheri Sajid IsmailbhaiMBBSTutorUG - 71955
 Dr. Ashwin SuvagiyaMBBSTutorUG - 55419
 Dr. Isha PatelMBBSTutorUG - 75753
 Dr. Thuntha KausharbanuMBBSTutorUG - 73709


  • The Department of Pharmacology at KMC, Surat has experienced faculties that are dedicated to equip all medical students with a profound understanding of drugs along with their pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic as well as pharmacotherapeutic role in patients.
  • We aim at commencing post-graduate course in M.D. Pharmacology as well; with a goal to impart knowledge, skills and attitude that will enable the student to function as an academician and/or as a research scientist or a professional in academic, research, corporate or any administrative set up.


  • To impart and set the best education standards for students in order to make them competent enough to procure success throughout their medical journey, using various conventional and new teaching learning methods as well as to improve the lives of communities by serving them through excellence in learning and healing with compassionate care.

CBME based UG academics

  • Distribution of teaching hours for Pharmacology in Phase II M.B.B.S. 
Sr. no.Teaching learning methodsDate of Joining
2.Small group learning165
3.Self-directed learning10
5.Pandemic module06
  • Distribution of marks for university examination     
    (As per NMC UGME CBME regulations dated 1st August 2023)
Sr. no.Teaching learning methodsDate of Joining

Paper I   = 100 marks

Paper II = 100 marks

100 marksMandatory to get 40% marks in theory and practicals separately ; and totally 50% for theory plus practicals.

Faculty members

SrNameDesignationDate of JoiningGMC Reg. no.Teaching experience
1.Dr. Suresh D. MistryProfessor & Head01/10/23G-1120930 years
2.Dr. Sachendra Kumar SrivastavaProfessor & Dean08/10/22UP-2904236 years
3.Dr. Haiya ShethAssistant Professor17/08/23G-283084 years
4.Dr. Vipul NavadiyaAssistant Professor18/01/24G-271653 years
5.Dr. Kandarp PatelAssistant Professor05/09/22G-286882 years
6.Dr. Awani ShahSenior Resident01/09/23G-574511 years
7.Dr. Laheri Sajid IsmailbhaiTutor14/02/22G-719552.5 years
8.Dr. Ashvin SuvugiyaTutor11/01/22G-554192.5 years

Teaching facilities

The Department of Pharmacology is located on 4th floor in Kiran Medical College building. It is well equipped with various teaching, laboratory and research facilities such as:

  • Lecture theatres (with audio-visual aids)
  • Large teaching rooms (with audio-visual aids)
  • Clinical pharmacology laboratory
  • Pharmacology Research laboratory;
  • Museum
  • Computer assisted learning (CAL) laboratory
  • Skill laboratory
  • Animal holding area
  • Central research laboratory


Year 2024
Sr. no.Title
1.Sodha P, Sheth H, Yadav P, Rana H, Chaudhari M, et al. Effects of neuroleptics with or without anti-cholinergics among Schizophrenic patients of South Gujarat. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;17(5):41-5.
Year 2023
Sr. no.Title
1.Hingorani SK, Shah AY, Mehta CD. Educational intervention to improve knowledge, attitude, and practice of pharmacovigilance among resident doctors at a tertiary care hospital. Perspectives in Clinical Research. 2023;14(2):75-80.
2.Barejia A, CR A, Shah A, Patel A, Navadiya V. Exploration of cardioprotective and antioxidant action of bilirubin in isoprenaline-induced ischemia model of male wistar albino rats. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2023;16(2):73-6.
Year 2021
Sr. no.Title
1.Gogtay N J, Sheth H J, Maurya M R, Belhekar M N, Thatte U M. A literature review of consent declines and consent withdrawals in randomized controlled trials conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 2021;67:134-8.
2.2 Shah A, Dhanani JV, Bhadiyadara S, Navadiya V. Evaluation of self-medication practice in second year undergraduate students at a medical college in south gujarat. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2021;14(8):104-7.
3.3 Shah A, Banzal N, Mehta C, Desai A. Assessment of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Undergraduate Medical Students of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Surat: A Source of Profound Concern. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. 2021;10(8):984-91.
4.4 Gohil N, Sinha A, Navadiya V, Shah A. Effect of levothyroxine therapy on reduced glutathione and high- sensitivity c-reactive protein among patients with hypothyroidism. British Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. 2021;6(3):3323-31.
5.Thacker K, Kanani N, Patel K, Mistry V. An Intensive Monitoring of Adverse Drug Reactions in Indoor Patients of Paediatric Department at Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Gujarat, India. Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Research. 2021;6(1):10-7.
6.Kirti Saxena and Sachendra K. Srivastava. Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of reporting of adverse drug reaction among family physicians in Surat city. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 2021 Jul;10(7):820-823.
Year 2020
Sr. no.Title
1.1 Yadav A, Pichholiya M, Sheth H, Gupta S, Choudhary S. Knowledge and attitude towards e-pharmacy among the physicians of southern Rajasthan, India: a pilot survey. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2020;13(9):157-60.
2.Kirti Saxena, Sachendra K. Srivastava, Chaitali Mehta: A study of effect of a single dose of second generation antihistaminics on cognitive and psychomotor function in healthy human volunteers. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 2020; 9(12):1836-1843.


  1. Pharmacology for MBBS, 2nd Ed. 2021, Arya Publishing Company, New Delhi.
  2. Manual of Practical Pharmacology for MBBS, 1st Ed. 2021, Arya Publishing Company, New Delhi.

Departmental programmes / activities

  1. 1. During the National Pharmacovigilance Week 2023 (17-23 September 2023); training cum awareness sessions for healthcare professionals on adverse drug reaction reporting were organized at Kiran Multi Super Speciality Hospital and Research Centre, Surat by Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Centre (AMC - KMSSH & RC, Surat) in collaboration with Department of Pharmacology, Kiran Medical College (KMC) Surat.