Department Of Anatomy
Photo | FULL NAME | QUALIFICATION | DESIGNATION | UG Registration/PG Registration |
Dr. Roma Patel | MBBS, MD | Professor & Head | UG - 38758 PG - 18989 | |
Dr. Sonal Govindwar | MBBS, MD | Assistant Professor | 2010/10/3020 | |
Dr. Pratixa Elaviya | MSc | Tutor | GPC - 1144 | |
Dr. Anuj Sharma | MSc | Tutor | NA | |
Dr. Dharti Pansuriya | MBBS | Tutor | UG - 78450 | |
Dr. Dixita Jepar | MBBS | Tutor | UG - 93125 | |
Dr. Ravishankar Yadav | MBBS | Tutor | UG - 57972 | |
Dr. Shaikh Moin | MBBS | Tutor | UG - 72374 | |
Dr. Arvind G. Patel | MBBS | Tutor | UG - 27078 |
- “Anatomy” meaning to cut open is a doorway to understanding the ultimate model of creation THE HUMAN BODY.
- Absolutely, understanding human anatomy is crucial for medical professionals as it forms the basis of medical knowledge.
- It provides detailed information about the position, shape, size, relationships, structures, and functions of all the body's components.
- This knowledge is essential for accurate diagnosis, effective treatment planning, and successful medical interventions across various medical specialties.
- Without a solid understanding of anatomy, medical graduates would struggle to navigate the complexities of the human body and provide optimal care to their patients.
Comprehensive Knowledge:
- It aims to provide students with a thorough understanding of both the gross and microscopic structure of the human body, including its development. This knowledge forms the foundation upon which further medical studies are built.
Clinical Understanding:
- Understanding anatomy is essential for comprehending how the body functions in health and disease. Students learn about the anatomical basis of various medical conditions and the principles underlying clinical interventions and treatments.
Preparation for Clinical Practice:
- By understanding anatomy in-depth, students are better equipped to diagnose and treat patients effectively. They can correlate anatomical structures with clinical presentations, aiding in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.
Preparation for Teaching Roles:
- For those students interested in pursuing academic or teaching careers, a solid understanding of anatomy is essential. They must be able to convey complex anatomical concepts to future generations of medical professionals.
Overall, the teaching of anatomy to undergraduate students is fundamental to their development as competent and compassionate healthcare professionals, whether they choose clinical practice or academic pursuits.
a. Lectures | 210 |
b. Small group teaching | 160 |
c. Practical | 210 |
d. Group activity | 20 |
e. Integrated session | 30 |
f. Any other (specify) | - |
- The anatomy department is quite comprehensive and well-equipped.
- Having a histology laboratory is crucial for studying tissues at a microscopic level, and a spacious dissection hall with an embalming room shows a commitment to hands-on learning. The storage area for cadavers is essential for respectful handling and preservation.
- A museum likely displays anatomical specimens and models, which can greatly enhance learning and understanding. A departmental library is for accessing relevant literature and resources, and having offices for faculty members and staff ensures smooth administrative operations.
Histology laboratory
- Microscope and light arrangement ensure that everyone can have a hands-on learning experience.
- The screen for projecting slides from the Trinocular Microscope adds another dimension to teaching.
Dissection Hall
- The department has 18 tables catering to total of 150 students. Each table has separate drainage system.
- A Human Skeleton is placed in the hall to facilitate teaching of bones. The hall is well illuminated and is properly ventilated.
- Embalming Room is equipped with embalming machine, accessary instruments, and deep freezers to keep dead body.
- The Museum has 112 specimens of different organs of the body. It is divided into well-defined sections with separate arrangement of specimens of upper limb, lower limb, head and neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis, neuroanatomy and embryology.
- Embryology and Gross anatomy Models are also displayed in the museum.
- The Departmental Library is well stocked with various standard textbooks of anatomy and histology which are issued to students as and when required.
- Four Demonstration Rooms which can accommodate 100 students each are equipped with modern audio-visual aids like overhead projector and X-Ray view boxes.
Virtual Dissecting Table:
- A Virtual Dissecting Table is an advanced educational tool used primarily in medical schools and research institutions for teaching and studying human anatomy.
- It typically consists of a large touch-sensitive display, often resembling a table, where users can interact with virtual 3D models of anatomical structures.
Its features and functionalities:
- High-Resolution Display: The table usually has a high-resolution screen capable of displaying detailed 3D models of the human body.
- Interactive Touch Interface: Users can manipulate the virtual models using touch gestures, such as zooming in and out, rotating, and selecting specific structures for detailed examination.
- Realistic Rendering: The virtual models are rendered with high fidelity, providing an accurate representation of anatomical structures, including muscles, organs, blood vessels, and nerves.
- Layered Views: Users can explore different layers of the body, such as muscles, bones, and organs, by toggling various overlays on and off.
- Dissection Simulations: Virtual Dissecting Tables often include simulated dissection capabilities, allowing users to virtually dissect anatomical structures layer by layer, mimicking the process of a traditional cadaver dissection.
- Educational Modules: Many Virtual Dissecting Tables come with pre-programmed educational modules and quizzes to facilitate learning and assessment of anatomical knowledge.
- Collaborative Learning: Some models support multiple users simultaneously, enabling collaborative learning experiences where students and instructors can interact with the virtual anatomy together.
- Integration with Other Technologies: Virtual Dissecting Tables may integrate with other technologies such as virtual reality (VR) headsets or augmented reality (AR) applications to enhance the immersive learning experience.
- Data Visualization: They often allow for the visualization of medical imaging data, such as MRI or CT scans, overlaid onto the 3D anatomical models, providing additional context for studying real patient cases.
Faculty Publications List
Designation: Professor Name of faculty: Dr. Roma Patel | ||
Sr. no. | Vancouver style | Name of indexing(PubMed, Scopus, Embase, DOAJ etc.) |
1. | Roma Patel, Meghana Joshi, Jagdish Soni, Vasant H Vaniya. Anatomical and Morphological Variations in Supernumerary Third Head of Biceps Brachii Muscle in Human Cadavers and its Clinical Significance. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 2023 Jul, 12(4): AO07-AO11 | DOAJ |
2. | Bali Sharma, Roma Patel, Swapna Parate, Neha Saini. Unusual Communication between Nerve to Mylohyoid and Lingual Nerve and, its Clinical Significance- A Cadaveric Study. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 2023 Jul,12(4): AO04-AO06 | DOAJ |
Designation: Associate Professor Name of faculty: Dr. Sonal Govindwar | ||
Sr. no. | Vancouver style | Name of indexing(PubMed, Scopus, Embase, DOAJ etc.) |
1. | Sonal H Govindwar, Mohan C Gushinge. Tejas Patel. Study of Correlation of Femur Length and Stature in Living Persons. Walwalkar. International Medical Journal. 2023;10(1):6-9. | DOAJ |
2. | Mohan Gushinge, Sonal Govindwar, Tejas Patel. Osteometric Morphometrey of Proximal Tibial End In Indian Population: A Forensic Point of View With it's Clinical Importance. Asian Journal of Pharmacutical and Clinical Research. 2023 March; 16( 6): 25-27. | Embase |
3. | Mohan Gushinge, Sonal Govindwar, Tejas Patel. An Autopsy Study of Thoraco-abdominal Injuries in Road Traffic Accidents, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research.2023;16( 6): 77-79. | Embase |
4. | Dr. Pratik Tarvadi, Dr. Mohan Gushinge, Dr. Tejas Patel, Dr. Sonal Govindwar, Assessment Of Awareness Of Covid-19 Pandemic Among Nursing Staff- Questionnaire Based Study, International Journal Of Medical Science And Innovative Research. 2022-October; 7(5):01-05. | Medline |
5. | Dr. Mohan Gushinge, Dr. Pratik Tarvadi, Dr. Tejas Patel, Dr. Sonal Govindwar, Assessment Of Awareness Of COVID-19 Infection Among Doctora: A Questionnaire Based Study. International Journal Of Medical Science And Innovative Research; 2022 OCT; 7(5): 06-11. | Medline |
6. | Sonal H Govindwar, Mohan C Gushinge. Tejas Patel. Study Of Correlation Of Femur Length And Stature In Living Persons. Walwalkar. International Medical Journal. 2023;10(1):6-9. | DOAJ |
7. | Mohan Gushinge, Sonal Govindwar, Tejas Patel. Osteometric Morphometry Of Proximal Tibial End In Indian Population: A Forensic Point Of View With It's Clinical Importance. Asian Journal Of Pharmacutical And Clinical Research. 2023 March; 16( 6): 25-27. | Embase |
Designation: Assistant Professor Name of faculty: Dr. Eti Mantri | ||
Sr. no. | Vancouver style | Name of indexing(PubMed, Scopus, Embase, DOAJ etc.) |
1. | Mantri E , Shrivastav S. Comparison And Measurement Of Handgrip Anthropometric And Hand Grip Strength In Intellectual Disabled Person. Research Journal Of Medical Science. 2023 July; 17(4): 555‐560. | Embase, Scopus |
2. | Mantri E , Shrivastav S . Measure Hand Grip Strength And Hand Anthropometric In Intellectual Disabled Person And Compare Without Intellectual Disabled Person In Indian Population. Research Journal Of Medical Science.2023 August;17(5):710-715. | Embase, Scopus |
3. | Gandhi K, Jaison J, Mantri E. Unilateral Non-Rotated Left Kidney With Vascular And Ureter Variations In A Cadaver: A Unique Case Report With Embryological And Educational Aspects. J Vasc Bras. 2021;20:E20200156. Https://Doi.Org/10.1590/1677-5449.200156 | PubMed, Embase, DOAJ, Web science, Scopus |
4. | A Cadaveric Study Of Accessory Maxillary Ostium And Its Clinical Implications EJPMR. 2019; 6(7);680-683. | DOAJ, Web Science |
- Poster Presentation was organized in November 2023 for showcasing our department's research but also for fostering collaboration and learning within our academic community.
- Seminar were held by the department in February 2024 was an enriching experience, offering insights into various aspects of Anatomy. From the microscopic intricacies of cellular anatomy to the macroscopic structures of the human body, we will explore the breadth and depth of Anatomical research
Clinical Trials Day Observes every year on May 20, 2022, by raising clinical trial awareness and honoring clinical research professionals across the globe.