Photo | FULL NAME | QUALIFICATION | DESIGNATION | UG Registration/PG Registration |
Dr. Ketan Mangukiya | MBBS, MD | Professor & Head | UG - 41741 PG - 20476 | |
Dr. Kirankumar Sodavadiya | MBBS, MD | Professor | UG - 41290 PG - 20878 | |
Dr. Dhvani Jethwa | MBBS, MD | Assistant Professor | UG - 37329 PG - 37329 | |
Dr. Bhavika Vanani | MBBS, MD | Assistant Professor | UG - 48730 PG - 23820 | |
Dr. Neeti Patel | MSc (Medical) | Tutor | NA | |
Dr. Akansha Singh | MSc (Medical) | Tutor | 16-MIM-606 | |
Dr. Laxmi Naval | MSc (Medical) | Tutor | NA | |
Dr. Bhuvnesh Panwar | MSc (Medical) | Tutor | NA | |
Dr. Rakesh Z. Tomer | MBBS | Tutor | UG - 59480 | |
Dr. Ashish Chaudhary | MBBS | Tutor | UG - 30361 |
- Biochemistry Department provides an overview of the basic principles of biochemical events in living systems in terms of metabolism in normal and diseased states. It will prepare the students for other pre-clinical and clinical subjects. The topics taught include an overview of cellular constituents, major metabolic pathways, glucose homeostasis, blood biochemistry, gene information, hormonal action, prostaglandin and vitamins. Methods of teaching include lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory sessions.
Goals and Objectives
- Teaching Biochemistry subject as part of various course i.e MBBS,B.Sc(Nursing)
- Carry out various Biochemical Laboratory investigations (NABL accredited) for all patients of Kiran Multi-superspeciality hospital.
- To give a competency-based knowledge in concepts, general principles of biochemistry and provide opportunities to get hands on experience and skills in clinical biochemistry, bioinformatics and molecular biology for diagnostic and therapeutic tools in medicine.
CBME based UG Academics:
Teaching Hours for MBBS | |
Activity | Hours |
Didactic lecture | 78 |
Small Group Teaching (Including Tutorials/Practicals/ integrated learning) | 133 |
Self Directed Leaning | 10 |
Self Directed Leaning | 9 |
AETCOM Module 2 | 2 |
Total Hours | 232 |
Faculty Members: | ||||
Name of Faculty | Designation | Date of Joining | Registration Number | Email ID |
Dr. Ketan Mangukiya | Professor & Head | 16-Sep-22 | G- 20476 | |
Dr. Kiran Sodavadiya | Professor | 27-Sep-22 | G- 20878 | |
Ms. Neeti Patel | Tutor/Senior Resident | 13-Sep-22 | - | |
Ms. Akansha Singh | Tutor/Senior Resident | 17-Oct-22 | - | |
Ms. Laxmi Naval | Tutor/Senior Resident | 15-Jun-23 | - | |
Mr. Bhuvanesh Singh Panwar | Tutor/Senior Resident | 25-Jun-23 | - | |
Teaching Facilities:
Undergraduate Practical Laboratory:
- Conduction and supervision of practical classes as per CBME syllabus during academic year for FY MBBS students
- Preparation of the practical reagents as per the protocol of individual practical in UG practical lab
Departmental Library:
- Around 50 different Biochemistry books which include text books, practical books, MCQ books and reference books are available at department library which can upgrade the knowledge of students as well as teaching faculties.
Demonstration Rooms:
- Two demonstration rooms are available which have 60 students’ capacities in each. Each demonstration room has all modern AV Aids facilities.
- We are using these demonstration rooms for conducting demonstration of various Biochemistry practicals. Also, we are conducting various small group teaching learning methods like seminars, tutorials, puzzles solving activities etc as per CBME.
Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory at Kiran multi-super speciality Hospital:
- Department of Biochemistry is involved in the responsibilities for providing diagnostic services in Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory.Department of Biochemistry is involved in the responsibilities for providing diagnostic services in Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory.
Dr. Ketan Mangukiya | ||||
Sr .no. | Title | Type of article | Name of Journal | Issue and Volume |
1. | Comparative study of serum lipid profile level between chronic kidney disorder patients and healthy controls | Original Research 2019 | Int J Clin Biochem Res | Volume-6 Issue-3 |
2. | Comparative study of serum lipid profile level between chronic kidney disorder patients and healthy controls. | Original Research 2019 | National journal of integrated research in medicine | Volume-6 Issue-3 |
3. | 3 Study of association of thyroid disorders with abnormal uterine bleeding. Original Research 2021 International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research Volume-3 Issue-6 | Original Research 2021 | International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research | Volume-3 Issue-6 |
4. | Study of association of Inflammatory markers with Metabolic syndrome in Prediabetic patients at tertiary care Centre of Rajasthan, India. | Original Research 2022 | Asian J Pharm Clin Res | Volume-15 Issue-5 |
Dr. Kiran Kumar Sodavadiya | ||||
Sr. no. | Title | Type of article | Name of Journal | Issue and Volume |
1. | Role of preoperative assessment of serum cholesterol and albumin in surgical site infection. | Original Research 2019 | International Journal of Medical & Biomedical Studies | Volume-3 Issue-7 |
2. | 2 Serum iron and ferritin as diagnostic marker of breast cancer Original Research 2018 National journal of integrated research in medicine Volume-9 Issue 1. | Original Research 2018 | National journal of integrated research in medicine | Volume-9 Issue-1 |
3. | 3 Role of biochemical markers in type 2 diabetic patients of cataract and retinopathy attending index medical college, hospital and research centre, Indore.” Original Research 2018 International journal of clinical biochemistry and research Volume-5 Issue-1 | Original Research 2018 | International journal of clinical biochemistry and research | Volume-5 Issue-1 |
Ms. Neeti Patel | ||||
Sr. no. | Title | Type of article | Name of Journal | Issue and Volume |
1. | A study of serum cystatin C as a marker of diabetic nephropathy among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Review 2022 | Journal of Medical and Scientific Research | Volume-10 Issue-4 |
2. | 2 Polycystic ovarian syndrome and microbiome: Implications for women’s health Review 2023 Journal of Medical and Scientific Research Volume 11 Issue 1 | Review 2023 | Journal of Medical and Scientific Research | Volume-11 Issue-1 |
3. | Prevalence and determinants of obesity among school going adolescents: Systematic Review | Review 2023 | Journal of Medical and Scientific Research | Volume-11 Issue-2 |
Ms. Akansha Singh | ||||
Sr. no. | Title | Type of article | Name of Journal | Issue and Volume |
1. | Altered levels of serum cu and cu\zn ratio in psoriasis. | Original Research 2019 | Scopus, JK practitioner | Volume-24 Issue-1-2 |
2. | 2 Association between Glutathione-S-Transferase and Gastric Carcinoma: A Case Control Study. Original Research 2020 Evolution Med. Dent. Sci Volume-9 Issue-38 | Original Research 2019 | Evolution Med. Dent. Sci | Volume-9 Issue-38 |
3. | 3 Effect of Tobacco on Lipoprotein Profile: A Comparative study among Smokers and Chewers. Original Research 2021 Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology Volume-14 Issue-9 | Original Research 2021 | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology | Volume-14 Issue-9 |
4. | 4 Role of Lipid and Oxidative Stress in Psoriatic Patients - A Case Control Study. Original Research 2021 Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Volum-10 Issue- 3 | Original Research 2021 | Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences | Volume-10 Issue-3 |
5. | 5 Copper and Zinc Status in Psoriasis: Correlation with Severity. Original Research 2021 Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry Volume-36 Issue-1 | Original Research 2021 | Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry | Volume-36 Issue-1 |
6. | 5 Copper and Zinc Status in Psoriasis: Correlation with Severity. Original Research 2021 Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry Volume-36 Issue-1 | Original Research 2022 | ECS transactions | Volume-107 Issue-1 |
Ms. Laxmi Naval | ||||
Sr. no. | Title | Type of article | Name of Journal | Issue and Volume |
1. | Determination of biochemical parameters (AST, ALT, Total protein, Albumin and ALP) In Corona (Covid-19) patients. | Original Research 2023 | International Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Clinical Research | Volume-15 Issue-09 |
2. | Assessment of chromium, copper &lead levels in carcinoma breast patients. | Original Research 2022 | International Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Clinical Research | Volume-14 Issue-5 |
3. | Assessment of serum trace elements (zinc, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous) in pre-eclampsia. | Original Research 2022 | International Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Clinical Research | Volume-14 Issue-7 |
Mr. Bhuvanesh Singh Panwar | ||||
Sr. no. | Title | Type of article | Name of Journal | Issue and Volume |
1. | 1. Association of Maternal Serum Total Protein and Albumin level With Birth weight of Newborn Original Research 2022 International Journal of Scientific Research Volume 12 Issue 05 | Original Research 2022 | International Journal of Scientific Research | Volume-12 Issue-05 |
Any Program conducted by Department
- Conducted Biochemistry Quiz for first MBBS students on 8 November, 2023
Clinical Trials Day Observes every year on May 20, 2022, by raising clinical trial awareness and honoring clinical research professionals across the globe.